Thursday, December 31, 2009

Traffic Exchange Site: Horror Movie Hits

I've been spending quite a bit of my New Year's Eve on this site, so I can cash out by the end of the New Year. I got quite a bit of money from referrals/cash bonuses, but I want to reach $25.00 before the 31st ends. I'm fairly close.

I found this place through First Five Clicks. Quite honestly, HMH sole purpose at the time was DonkeyMails PaidToPromote(something I love). At the time, HMH was apporved by Donkeymails, and it allowed PTPs until fairly recently. In fact, since Horror Movie Hits tossed me 50 bonus credits for activating(you only need to surf 20 sites to activate your HMH account), I managed to get the hits I needed for the $0.75 cpm before DonkeyMails lowered it to 0.50. So, for that, I will forever love Horror Movie hits.

Beyond that? Even though PTPs are now banned, I've found that HMH is easily one of the best traffic exchange sites out there. I wasn't too active at first(except for getting hits for DonkeyMails), but as time went on I got so active that I now have a good sized downline and a slew of credits for my Downline Builder/Rotator.

So, what does Horror Movie Hits have to offer?

1. 3 Way Surf (Mythology Surf and Tip Top Traffic). You get bonuses for surfing all three sites at the same time. %10 credits for free members, %20 credits for pro members.

2. Bonus pages for text, banner, hits, and cash. You can win up to $10.00 in the cash prize section, and even the 0.02 cents add up. They certainly did for me. Every once in awhile, a page with a 0.10 reward will show up and all you have to to is report the site. Horror Movie Hits has a TON of bonus stuff.

3. Every once in awhile, you will play hangman where you win 50 banner credits should you get the movie title right.

4. A slew of free games, classic horror movies/trailers, and a "mall" for your horror movie needs.

5. Power Surf(1:1 ratio). They are three hours long every day, but you never know what part of the day. The general ration for free members is 2:1 on a ten second timer.

6. Just too many to list here.

Bottom line, is that Horror Movie Hits quickly soared to the the top in terms of favorite traffic exchanges. It just has a lot to offer--PERIOD. I'm not even much of a Horror Movie fan(I like some movies, but I'm am VERY discriminating when it comes to the genre), but I am a big fan of this site!

This Big Scary Monster will tell you more!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

3rd Traffic Exhange site: TrafficHighFlyer

I joined this place through the famed DonkeyMails because I needed to sites for the popular Pay to Promote that DonkeyMails is known for. I chose this one because it's a little different than most Exchange sites. Not only does he have exchanges, he offers "banner swapping", a "I rotate yours if you rotate mine" banner exchange, a chance to win $$$ per referral/surf 100 pages or more, a downline builder, personal splash page, and a chance to be part of an ad co-op.

The traffic ratio is 3:1 if you're a free member. Still, this is a reliable place to get some traffic for your site, especially if you're a "Pay to Promote" person, like me.

Not just another Traffic Exchange site!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

for payperpost

A nameless razor fusses.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2nd Traffic Exchange site:

Traffic Exchange with 160,000+ members

This place doesn't need much of an explanation at all. It's one of the largest Traffic exchange sites out there with well over 200,000 members. You get three free splash pages and a rotater. I've found them both very useful. Beyond that, it's an exchange site that is either 1:1 or 2:1 depending on which timer you want to go with. I usually use the 15 second timer for more pages to surf and a chance to win more from the reward pages that show up every 25 pages. The greatest strength is the sheer amount of unique hits from this site. The greatest weakness is that there are no bonus games to play. However, that's not too big a deal for people looking for TONS of traffic.

You do make money off this site too depending on how much your referrals do and how much you yourself surf. That alone is enough for people to jump on this traffic train. I use the money for premium membership. Heh.
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