Friday, December 31, 2010

Hope you've had some Happy Holidays!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Don't know how "shortly". I have been paid by a couple more places(PTC, Surveys, Searches, and one GPT), but I don't know when I'll get another gallery up since I've been very slow lately. Since I DO want some exposure though, I hope to get them up before Thanksgiving. It'll be a new gallery. For right now, have some traffic exchange sites:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Still around!

Haven't been quite as active in the GPT arena as I used to be, but I'm picking up a little again. I have been paid in the past month, so those will be posted shortly.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Second Payment from EarnEasyCash

(Pic is worksafe).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So far so good

It DOES pay! Sure, it's ten cents, but it's easy to get there. I just wanted to be sure that they did actually pay. So far, they do. Didn't take very long to get paid either. They've also included a new slot machine where you spend some points to win prizes! I love those games! So, it's a good addition to a relatively new site!

Next update will be a Deal Barbie/Deal Barbie pays fast payment gallery. Figured it would be about time to do that! Lol!

Friday, June 11, 2010

60th post, but poor ThunderPTC, and new GPT site

"Important: For anyone who has not cashed out yet, please do so by June 12th. I will not be paying for hosting after this month until I acquire more ads again. I'm not sure when or if there will ever be ads again. The site will become unavailable on June 12th."

Hopefully, will be getting new ads, but since the 12th is tomorrow, I don't see it happening. Shame, really, since it had a lot of promise.

I did, however, find a new place:

Cashout is 10 cents. Will see if it pays. I'm sure it will.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Buckets of Banners

I changed the bottom banner to a banner exchange site set of banners.


This is the only banner exchange site I know of. You don't see actual webpages, you just see banners of them. I joined as soon as I saw it advertised on Traffic Taxis.

So far, I think it's pretty neat and there are three ways to earn banner impressions:

1. Surfing the site.
2. Banner Exchanges with URL codes
3. Advertising the Splash Page itself.

Free members get 1/2 impressions, upgraded members get 1 impression per view.

Easy advertising, especially if banner advertising has worked well for you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Does Thunder PTC pay?

Yup, it does:

ThunderPTC is a bit different than other PTC sites in that it specializes in Daily Click type ads. You click on a link, click on another link(usually just one or two), and then stick around for at least 30 seconds. Once that's done, you get credit. You do have to phone verify before getting paid though. You can be paid through Paypal, Amazon or by check.

HOWEVER, this happened:

"Unfortunately our advertisers are not happy with the quality of traffic they have been receiving the past couple of weeks. Many members have not been following the requirements, therefore they have asked us to halt all ads at this time. We will try to work on a system that will provide a higher-quality platform for them, but we are unsure when they will be available again."

Huh, figures. It explains why the cashout was lowered to $1.00 when it was originally $5.00. Hopefully, things will get better soon since this is a promising PTC site.

Monday, May 3, 2010

PTC Investigations

Where did it go? It's "not found".

Oh wait, they're here:

Never mind. Phew.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Specific Gallery Payment Proof: DollarClickorSignUp/Click or Sign up.

I've been paid quite a bit by both:


They're both owned by the same person(Lora Sipple) and have a similar theme, so I combined the two. Both sites are equally great, but I prefer DCOS, myself. You can tell.

GALLERY IS RIGHT HERE. I used SHAREAPIC for this gallery, so it's safe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

These following sites have awesome slot machine games!

What makes them great is that it costs only one point/pebble/sign, whatever. It's also surprisingly easy to win something. I've been a little more active now because of these games, especially at DealBarbie where the new Owner(the same one as AF4Y) has some new games and new prizes.

Of course, there's never a bad time to join DealBarbie and the ClickorSign up sites will be featured in the next post as a LARGE Specific Gallery of Payment Proofs.

Squishycash also has slots, but they cost five chips to play because the prizes are bigger.

If I find any other GPT site that uses slots as a game, then I'll be sure to list it right here. Slots are like crack, so I do my damndest to limit myself. Not always easy to do, especially if you're on a winning streak.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I was wondering what happened to PayToViewTube...

It went down around two weeks ago, and at first, I figured that it was some kind of server problem, but it hasn't come back at all. Then PTC Investigations comes to the rescue:

Uh huh.

Should have seen it sooner since I used the Gold Rotator that served me well until the site went down. Since it went down at the time I slowed down on Traffic Exchange sites, I didn't lose that many credits, thank God.

Unfortunately, I also got the $17.00 gold membership.

Yea, I know...I know...(no buying before you're paid, etc) but at least the rotator was useful(VERY useful), so it's not a complete loss. So really, I paid $17.00 for an unlimited url rotator for a few months! LOL! I used it for PTC sites that in turn paid to promote, Downline Builders, and Traffic Exchange sites. I got a TON of hits through it. Like I said, not a total loss.

Still, it sucks to see the site end up the way it did since it was the only "Paid to View" that I knew of.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Got this e-mail from Mushy of Naughty N Nice Fame:

This email is not related to my sites - it is for Cashswing members!

A quick email to let you all know that cashswing has been stolen and I know some of you may be members. The website has be hacked and the design, database stolen. The hacker sent a mass email from cashswing stating that the site is not at anymore and is now at


I will keep you updated. :(

Admin - MUSHY


Oh my. Horrifying, but not surprising. I am a member of Cashswing, but I don't recall getting any e-mails from them, and I haven't clicked there in quite some time. I certainly don't intend to do anything now.

Here's some more info about Cashswing with the latest news in the comments:

Hooray PTC Investigations!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Is finally back! Thank God! Been paid 4 times at this site and am close to a fifth payout. Proofs are in my galleries!

Sunday, January 17, 2010



NaughtyNNice and the two sister sites(Rosebuddoffers and DayDreamClicking) have been infected with an Iframe virus. Waa...

I'm not a member of the sister sites, but NaughtyNNIce is one of my favorite PTC sites, so I'd hate to see a virus ruin it all.

It's advertised everywhere too. Yikes. I just hope the problem is solved soon.

Lots of ad sites/ads can be infested with malaware. I know DonkeyMails had some ads that once contained SCARY maleware, and other PTC/PTR sites can be hit with maleware too. That's one of the reasons why I have like two shields and quite a number of scanners. Heh.

Anyway, hopefully the NaughtyNNice Iframe virus will GO AWAY. Even the Forum is infected.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brand New: ThumbVu


I'll just let their promo e-mail speak for itself:

Hi [name],

Just a couple days ago a new program
launched that has taken over by storm.

You have probably received 5 or more
emails about it already.

So let me explain why all the hype...

For the first time in the traffic exchanges
you can brand YOU, and I am talking about
YOUR face, YOUR picture with ANYTHING
you want to promote.

No need to know html, just input your picture,
type your name and the program does the rest
for you.

Check it out:

Ok so why is that so important [yourname]?

The truth is people buy from people they
know like and trust. Branding yourself is
the first step to building the relationship
that is necessary for likability and trust
to prosper.

Of course that is just ONE aspect of the
program that alone makes it one of a kind.

It also allows you to promote your favorite
social media sites like twitter, facebook, blogs,
and build your list while using only 1 advertising
credit. Now how cool is that?

It's a new year and this is a new kind of program,
You will want to get in now while there is still
time to build a massive downline because this is
gonna be rocking for sometime!

Check it out:

To Your Success,

P.S. It's free to join, but listen, the one time
offer should seriously be considered. Pay for
a year of quality advertising a start 2010 off in


Beyond that, all I can say is that it is vastly different from all other Traffic Exchange sites. It has a more "hey, that's a human" touch than most TEs. It's no wonder ThumbVu launched with so much buzz.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Specific Payment Proof Gallery: ChristyClix

Since some places have paid quite a bit, I decided to make payment galleries for specific places. So, any new proof from a specific site will simply go in their own galleries instead of being lumped in with general proof galleries. First up is:

Today is ChristyClix's first anniversary, and that's no small feat for Paid to Click sites since many of them tend to close down in much less time. Not only has hers been around for awhile, it's also one of the more successful aurora sites out there. ChristyClix was the third PTC site I've ever joined. So far, I've been paid six times by her:


As a warning, Linkbucks Galleries are perfectly fine, and so are the proofs, but the hosting ads can vary from "Meh" to "XXXXYIKES NOT WORKSAFE", so look with care. If you don't want to take any chances, then I have a safer gallery

Right here.

Happy One year Anniversay, ChristyClix!
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